News + Articles

21st November, 2023

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author George Haddad

For a novel about violence, Losing Face is surprisingly tender. George Haddad is a writer with a talent for voice and place, vividly capturing the intensity of Western Sydney. Haddad uses layered intergenerational storytelling to demonstrate the complexity with which lives intertwine and unravel around a violent crime. He avoids delivering neat and easy answers but instead […]

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author Jo Riccioni

The Branded (Pantera Press) is an addictive YA novel from Jo Riccioni. With captivating protagonists and an immersive landscape, this story is entirely devourable. It includes all of the best parts of YA – a treacherous journey, a dystopian societal structure, tests of loyalty, and just the perfect amount of desire. —BOTY 2023 judging panel We […]

7th November, 2023

Frankfurt report from Pantera Press

Pantera Press has been attending the Frankfurt Book Fair since our earliest days, with our first visit back in 2010 with a limited list of books and an even more limited meeting schedule! Nowadays, it is considered an essential part of our Rights strategy, with a full schedule of meetings across four days and an […]

SPN supports APA and ASA stances on AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is obviously a big topic on all our minds at the moment. As the technology develops, we expect that AI will become a useful – perhaps essential – tool for publishing workflows. But when it comes to author, illustrator and designer copyright and IP protection, SPN is in full agreement with recent […]

SPN endorses IpEd guide to working with freelance editors

SPN is pleased to endorse and recommend a new set of guidelines published by the Institute of Professional Editors (IpEd) on best practices for publishers when working with freelance editors. The guide sets out some basic principles, both professional and ethical, so both parties can approach the project with a clear understanding of what is […]

1st November, 2023

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author Sam Wallman

Our Members Be Unlimited by Sam Wallman is an immense achievement. Both a history of the union moment and a personal memoir of Wallman’s own experience of working as a picker at an Amazon warehouse, the personal is political and the political is intensely felt and personal. The graphic medium allows for dense information to be […]

1st September, 2023

Meet Events & Communication Manager Debbie Lee

In a publishing career spanning over 30 years, Debbie has worked in trade sales, and as a commissioning editor and publishing manager in the vocational, academic and professional sectors with publishers including Cambridge University Press, Elsevier and NewSouth Publishing. More recently, Debbie was Senior Manager, Content Acquisition and Business Development with Ingram Content Group. In […]

18th August, 2023

Meet Conference Guest Sandra Phillips

Dr Sandra Phillips will give the keynote address on Thursday’s Research Day,  on ‘Indigenous and community writing, reading and publishing’. Sandra is Wakka Wakka and was raised on the Country of her family’s ancestors, she is also proudly Gooreng Gooreng. These First Nations are in the jurisdiction now known as Queensland. Sandra does research in […]

Meet Conference Guest Mike Shatzkin

Mike Shatzkin has had a 60-year (so far) career in the book publishing business, starting on the sales floor of Brentano’s 5th Avenue bookstore in 1962. Starting in the early 1990s, he was one of the industry’s thought leaders on ‘digital change’, including the purchasing of books online (then in its infancy) and in digital (ebook) versions […]

Meet Associate Producer Nathanael Wheatcroft-Brown

Hello! I’m very excited to be a part of this year’s team at the Small Press Network. Originally from a small town in the North of England, I came to Australia in 2019 to study a Master of Creative Writing, Publishing and Editing at The University of Melbourne. With an undergraduate degree in filmmaking, I […]

Meet Associate Producer Elizabeth Lamb

Elizabeth Lamb (She/Her) As a life-long bibliophile from the idyllic Blue Mountains, NSW, with an omnivorous reading appetite and passion for editing, I am excited to be joining the team at the Small Press Network for this year’s Independent Publishing Conference. After a winding trajectory of theatre degrees, appearing in plays, writing and editing scripts and […]

Meet Associate Producer Em Collings

Hello! I’m a second-year student in RMIT’s Associate Degree of Professional Writing and Editing. In high school I studied a range of IT and STEM subjects but have found myself drawn more and more to both the written and spoken word. I studied a Cert 3 of IDMT (Information Digital Media and Technology) as well […]

Meet Associate Producer Cai Bardsley

Hello, I’m Cai (they/them), a writer and editor studying at RMIT University. Lucky for me, I get to be part of the team delivering this year’s Independent Publishing Conference. I grew up on the Mid North Coast of NSW on the beautiful bush lands of the Gumbaynggir People. After school I traded the warmth, rivers […]

18th June, 2023

Introducing industry research: “A sacred duty” by Jodie Lea Martire Part 3

In her Masters research thesis, Jodie Lea Martire explores the strategies small presses have long been using to diversify the publishing industry, turning this into the basis of a roadmap for the broader Australian publishing industry to follow in their footsteps.  The first instalment of this SPN publication collated the publishing strategies used by Spinifex […]

12th May, 2023

Introducing industry research: “A sacred duty” by Jodie Lea Martire Part 2

In her Masters research thesis, Jodie Lea Martire explores the strategies small presses have long been using to diversify the publishing industry, turning this into the basis of a roadmap for the broader Australian publishing industry to follow in their footsteps.  The first instalment of this SPN publication collated the publishing strategies used by publishers […]

14th April, 2023

Meet the 2023 BOTY Judges

We are very pleased to introduce our judges for the 2023 Book of the Year Award. While our inboxes begin filling with all the wonderful titles that our SPN member publishers have released, we thought you may like to get to know our judging panel for the year. Bec Kavanagh Bec Kavanagh is a writer, […]

25th November, 2022

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author Kavita Bedford

We had the most exciting opportunity to sit down with Kavita Bedford to ask about her debut novel, Friends & Dark Shapes, one of the shortlisted titles for the 2022 SPN Book of the Year Award.

23rd November, 2022

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author Anwen Crawford

No Document (Giramondo) is a grief-stricken book that tries to locate presence within the material layers of loss, finding hope in art, kinship and collective action. Anwen Crawford balances the emotional charge of the book with thoughtful experiments in how to use the field of the page to express and contain the way grief can […]

18th November, 2022

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author Eleanor Jackson

Gravidity and Parity (Vagabond Press) is a poignant and intricate collection of poetry that guides the reader into the journey of motherhood, pulling no punches in how it addresses and details all that is often unsaid or unknown about pregnancy. The book is set during the COVID pandemic, and author Eleanor Jackson beautifully encapsulates this all-too-familiar […]

15th November, 2022

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author Poppy Nwosu

‘Hometown Haunts (Wakefield Press) showcases some of the best voices Australian YA fiction has to offer in this sometimes strange, sometimes terrifying collection of short horror. This anthology acts as a reminder of how it feels to explore the unknown: unknown genre, unknown worlds, unknown lives. Editor Poppy Nwosu has compiled an anthology that celebrates and […]

10th November, 2022

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author SJ Norman

‘Permafrost (UQP) is a collection of stories that delve into uncomfortable spaces that lie beneath familiar experiences of travel, love and loss. SJ Norman’s work presents an exciting, unsettling and engaging new voice that explores the human diasporic experience, bringing a queer and unique take on the gothic romantic tradition.’ —BOTY 2022 judging panel We […]

7th November, 2022

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author Patrick Lenton

‘Sexy Tales of Paleontology (Subbed In) is a laugh-out-loud delight. This anthology is full of surprises: stories that demonstrate a wicked sense of humour and a keen eye towards contemporary celebrity culture, and the performances that play out in our daily lives. Patrick Lenton uses the short story to experiment with the absurd realities of […]

4th October, 2022

The Book of the Year Award 2022: Shortlist Announcement

Sponsored by BookPeople and Ingram. The Small Press Network is honoured to announce the shortlist for the 2022 Book of the Year Award (formerly the Most Underrated Book of the Year Award). The award was first presented under its new name in 2020, marking a new direction for the Small Press Network and its membership. […]

23rd August, 2022

Meet Associate Producer Ky Nolan

G’day! I’m Ky—I go by they/them and I’m thrilled to be your Associate Producer (Writing Lead) for Small Press Network’s 2022 Independent Publishing Conference.  Australian indie literature is my first love, so the opportunity to work with SPN is a dream come true.  A Naarm (Melbourne) local, I grew up riding my urban steed (push […]

22nd August, 2022

Meet Associate Producer Fiona Wallace

My name’s Fiona (she/her) and I’m one of the new Associate Producers for the 2022 Independent Publishing Conference.

20th August, 2022

Meet Associate Producer Carla Di Maggio

I’m Carla (she/they) and I am so excited to be working with SPN as an Associate Producer for the IPC 2022!

6th May, 2022

BOTY 2022: Meet the Judges

We’ve received a varied and vibrant array of entries to the 2022 Book of the Year Award, covering nearly every genre we can think of and adding up to a record 93 titles submitted! Needless to say, the judges for this year’s award will be busy reading over the coming months. While you wait for […]

26th November, 2021

The Book of the Year Award 2021: Winner Announcement

We are excited to announce the winners of the 2021 SPN Book of the Year Award. That’s right, winners, the judges decided to award two BOTY winners this year! They are Echoes (2020) by Shu-Ling Chua and We are Speaking in Code (Brio Books 2020) by Tanya Vavilova.  The judges said ‘both titles exhibit beautiful […]

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author: Kirsten Krauth

Holly from The Small Press Network recently chatted to Kirsten Krauth, author of the 2021 shortlisted BOTY title Almost a Mirror. Kirsten Krauth is a writer and podcaster based in Castlemaine. Almost a Mirror, published in 2020, was shortlisted for the Penguin Literary Prize and named by The Guardian in ’The Best 20 Australian Books […]

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author: Poppy Nwosu

We had a chat with Poppy about her book Taking Down Evelyn Tait, one of this year’s shortlisted titles for the Book of the Year Award. Cordelia: Where did you get your inspiration from, and what was the most important thing you wanted to say with this story? Poppy: It really came with the main […]

24th November, 2021

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted contributing author: Elizabeth Flux

In the lead-up to the 2021 Book of The Year winner announcement on Friday 26 November, conference co-ordinator Chloe Hogan-Weihmann sat down with Elizabeth Flux to discuss the shortlisting of Collisions: A Liminal Anthology (Pantera 2020).  Collisions is a collection of stories from the inaugural Liminal Fiction Prize longlist. The book has been described as […]

In Conversation with BOTY shortlisted author: Tanya Vavilova

“I think what I struggle with most is this question of fitting in, of belonging. If you find yourself on the outskirts of society and then on the outskirts of an already marginalized group in that society, what do you do?” Tanya Vavilova, We are Speaking in Code Tanya Vavilova is an award-winning writer, having […]

23rd November, 2021

Judging the Book of the Year Award

In this episode of the Small Press Network’s Podcast, we had a chat to the Book of the Year Judges Penni Russon, Marina Sano and Jing Xuan Teo to discuss their experience of judging the award. The winner of the Book of the Year Award will be announced on Friday 26 November.

Introducing industry research: “A sacred duty” by Jodie Lea Martire Part 1

In her Masters research thesis, Jodie Lea Martire explores the strategies small presses have long been using to diversify the publishing industry, turning this into the basis of a roadmap for the broader Australian publishing industry to follow in their footsteps. The following extract provides an insight into the research and results Martire has discovered […]

19th November, 2021

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author: Shu-Ling Chua

Shu-Ling Chua is a is Melbourne-based essayist, poet and critic whose work has appeared in Peril Magazine, Lindsay, Meanjin, Triangle House Review, and Asian American Writers’ Workshop, among others. Her debut essay collection, Echoes, was published in 2020. Echoes is a collection of personal essays that reference art and literature, pop culture and nostalgia. The book […]

15th November, 2021

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author: Sreedhevi Iyer

In the lead up to the 2021 Book of The Year winner announcement on Friday 26 November, Associate Producer Emma Kellaway sat down with Sreedhevi Iyer to discuss the shortlisting of her novel The Tiniest House of Time (Wild Dingo Press 2020).  Critically acclaimed for its brilliantly complex style, research and storytelling, The Tiniest House […]

12th November, 2021

The Small Press Network Interviews: Anita Heiss

As she finalises her keynote address for the 2021 SPN Independent Publishing Conference, Dr Anita Heiss talks to Emma Kellaway about learning language, challenges within the publishing industry and having confronting conversations.  A multi award-winning author of nonfiction, historical fiction, women’s fiction, children’s novels and poetry, Heiss is currently a Professor of Communications at the […]

5th November, 2021

Meet the sponsor: Copyright Agency Cultural Fund

Introducing Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund, a major sponsor of the 2021 Independent Publishing Conference taking place from Thurs 25–Sat 27 November.  Copyright Agency is a non-for-profit organisation that supports over 38,000 members to ensure fair payment to creators over the reuse of copyright-protected work.  For over 40 years, the agency has served to connect their […]

1st November, 2021

The 2021 Academic Day: In Conversation with Alexandra Dane and Claire Parnell

In this episode, we chat to Alexandra Dane and Claire Parnell to discuss this year’s Academic Day for the Independent Publishing Conference 2021. This year’s theme is Publishing and the Environment. 

25th October, 2021

The Book of the Year Award 2021: Shortlist Announcement

The shortlist for the Small Press Network 2021 Book of the Year Award is in! Formerly the Most Underrated Book of the Year Award, the BOTY award was first presented under its new name in 2020, marking a new direction for the Small Press Network and its membership. BOTY aims to recognise and award some […]

22nd October, 2021

Meet the sponsor: Ingram Content Group

Introducing Ingram Content Group, one of the sponsors of the 2021 Independent Publishing Conference taking place from Thurs 25–Sat 27 November.   Ingram is a global service provider to the book publishing industry, with a catalogue of 19 million print and digital titles that are available worldwide. The company offers print-on-demand services, international distribution, and sales […]

20th October, 2021

The Small Press Network Interviews: Terri-ann White, Upswell publishing (part two!)

Holly Hendry-Saunders recently interviewed Terri-ann White on launching Upswell Publishing during a pandemic. They continued their conversation and discussed topics such as acquiring authors; navigating the world of marketing; publishing titles that have substance; the importance of community within independent publishing; and how independent publishing can survive these turbulent times.  Terri-ann’s process of acquiring an […]

20th September, 2021

The Small Press Network Interviews: Laura Jean McKay

As she works on her keynote address for the 2021 SPN Independent Publishing Conference, award-winning author Laura Jean McKay talks to Emma Kellaway on animal superpowers, humans’ relationship with them, and why now is a better time than ever to address publishing and the environment.  McKay’s debut novel The Animals in That Country (Scribe 2020), […]

27th August, 2021

Meet Associate Producer Emma Kellaway

Hi all. As an Associate Producer for the 2021 Independent Publishing Conference, I’d like to introduce myself. I typically respond to Emma or Em! I study Master of International Relations (IR) and Journalism at Monash University. You may be wondering how an IR student found herself here but the truth is I have a long-standing […]

Meet Associate Producer Cordelia Egerton-Warburton

Hello friends! My name is Cordelia, and I am SPN’s Operations Associate Producer for the 2021 Independent Publishing Conference. I’m so excited to be a part of this year’s team and I can’t wait to jump in!

Meet Associate Producer Chloe Agius

Hiya! I’m Chloe (she/her), and I am so excited to be one of this year’s Associate Producers for the 2021 Independent Publishing Conference. I’ve moved to Melbourne from Tasmania—the land of savoury toast, scallop pies, and winters worse than Melbourne but at least we’re gratified with actual snow and the prettiest landscapes in the country […]

Meet Associate Producer Holly Hendry-Saunders

Hello! I am Holly, one of the Associate Producers for the 2021 Independent Publishing Conference. I’m from Adelaide and moved to Melbourne two months ago to pursue my passion for publishing. I drove over in my trusty hatchback containing all my possessions (mainly books), unsure of what I was getting myself into, knowing only a […]

9th January, 2024

In conversation with BOTY winning editors Leah Jing McIntosh and Adolfo Aranjuez

Against Disappearance: Essays on Memory (Pantera Press) is exactly the kind of invigorating non-fiction that small, risk-taking publications like Liminal, excel at. It is a physically beautiful collection, presented with an understated sophistication that reflects those same qualities in the works. Edited by Leah Jing McIntosh and Adolofo Aranjuez, this collection brings together writers from across […]

18th December, 2023

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author Nornie Bero

Mabu Mabu (Hardie Grant Books) is an intricately crafted cookbook that melds together a perfect balance of memoir and recipe. In between stunning graphics and mouth-watering recipes, Nornie Bero recounts how her upbringing fostered a love for food and explores the deep connection between culture, identity and food. —BOTY 2023 judging panel We were lucky enough […]

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author Andrew Sutherland

Paradise (Point of Transmission) (Fremantle Press) is beautifully layered collection of poems that explores the realities of a HIV diagnosis on home, community and freedom. It complex but inviting, an act of generosity and transformation. In his first poetry collection Andrew Sutherland simultaneously captures the stigma of a HIV-positive identity and the deep love of Queer community. […]

Small Press Network Book of the Year Award 2023: Winner Announcement

The Small Press Network (SPN) is excited to announce the winner of the 2023 Small Press Network Book of the Year Award (BOTY): Against Disappearance: Essays on Memory, an anthology by Liminal and published by Pantera Press. The award was presented at the Wheeler Centre as part of its Next Big Thing series by Meanjin […]

17th December, 2023

Independent bookshops sponsor the 2023 Book of the Year (BOTY) Award

The Small Press Network’s Book of the Year (BOTY) Award is an annual award that highlights authorial and publishing excellence by small and independent publishers. Open to any book released by an SPN member during the previous calendar year, the BOTY Award provides significant recognition and promotional opportunities to both publisher and author. A huge […]

Content collection:
Book of the Year Award

9th January, 2024

In conversation with BOTY winning editors Leah Jing McIntosh and Adolfo Aranjuez

Against Disappearance: Essays on Memory (Pantera Press) is exactly the kind of invigorating non-fiction that small, risk-taking publications like Liminal, excel at. It is a physically beautiful collection, presented with an understated sophistication that reflects those same qualities in the works. Edited by Leah Jing McIntosh and Adolofo Aranjuez, this collection brings together writers from across […]

18th December, 2023

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author Nornie Bero

Mabu Mabu (Hardie Grant Books) is an intricately crafted cookbook that melds together a perfect balance of memoir and recipe. In between stunning graphics and mouth-watering recipes, Nornie Bero recounts how her upbringing fostered a love for food and explores the deep connection between culture, identity and food. —BOTY 2023 judging panel We were lucky enough […]

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author Andrew Sutherland

Paradise (Point of Transmission) (Fremantle Press) is beautifully layered collection of poems that explores the realities of a HIV diagnosis on home, community and freedom. It complex but inviting, an act of generosity and transformation. In his first poetry collection Andrew Sutherland simultaneously captures the stigma of a HIV-positive identity and the deep love of Queer community. […]

21st November, 2023

In conversation with BOTY shortlisted author George Haddad

For a novel about violence, Losing Face is surprisingly tender. George Haddad is a writer with a talent for voice and place, vividly capturing the intensity of Western Sydney. Haddad uses layered intergenerational storytelling to demonstrate the complexity with which lives intertwine and unravel around a violent crime. He avoids delivering neat and easy answers but instead […]

Content collection:
Meet the Publisher

1st October, 2021

The Small Press Network Interviews: Terri-ann White, Upswell Publishing

As she prepares for her keynote speech for this year’s 2021 SPN Independent Publishing Conference workshop day, Terri-ann White speaks to Holly Hendry-Saunders on launching Perth-based publishing house Upswell Publishing during a pandemic.  Her life before Upswell’s inception White, a veteran in the book industry, began her career as a bookseller at eighteen, and at […]

14th December, 2015

Meet the Publisher: Duncan Felton, Grapple Publishing

When and how were you established? After many years of semi-organised pondering and planning, Grapple Publishing started late in 2013, making itself known to the world with a call-out for submissions to The Grapple Annual No. 1. At that point it was just me sitting at my computer with some ideas, some savings and a […]

17th August, 2015

MEET THE PUBLISHER – Lacuna Publishing

Linda Nix, Publisher and Editor, Lacuna When and how were you established? I have a long-standing fascination with how words and ideas are disseminated and become part of society’s cultural fabric. After years working in the industry, I realised my dream was to run a small press. In 2010 I set up a freelance editing, […]

16th June, 2015

Meet the Publisher – coeur de lion

When and how were you established? As with all good ideas, coeur de lion was born in a pub. The speculative fiction scene goes through boom and bust cycles and at the time there weren’t a lot of local independent presses catering to a sci-fi, horror, fantasy audience. Myself and fellow author Andrew Macrae were […]

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