27th August, 2021

Meet Associate Producer Chloe Agius

Chloe Agius

Hiya! I’m Chloe (she/her), and I am so excited to be one of this year’s Associate Producers for the 2021 Independent Publishing Conference.

I’ve moved to Melbourne from Tasmania—the land of savoury toast, scallop pies, and winters worse than Melbourne but at least we’re gratified with actual snow and the prettiest landscapes in the country (will fight you on this one).

I’m in the Master of Publishing and Communications program at the University of Melbourne and am naturally still questioning what I want to do after it’s all over. I am passionate about contemporary book culture and researching our emotional attachments to books as objects as well as their representations online.

I wrote my honours thesis on Literary Celebrity in the case of Margaret Atwood, and I am interested in the uneasy relationship between culture and commerce and how they collide within the book industry—especially on online platforms.

Be sure to look out for the podcast I’m producing as part of this year’s conference! The podcast will promote the BOTY award, our sponsors and contributors, and the conference itself. I can’t wait to meet everyone involved in this year’s conference, from the incredible publishers and industry stakeholders to the talented academics and the dedicated team at the Wheeler Centre.

As a happy coincidence, I am also going to be presenting some of my own research at this year’s academic day, and I am so excited to see both sides of the conference. Watch out for the program to read the abstracts.

Find me on Twitter or LinkedIn and please feel free to reach out to me with anything related to the conference, books and publishing or cats (especially cats).

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