22nd October, 2021

Meet the sponsor: Ingram Content Group

Introducing Ingram Content Group, one of the sponsors of the 2021 Independent Publishing Conference taking place from Thurs 25–Sat 27 November.  

Ingram is a global service provider to the book publishing industry, with a catalogue of 19 million print and digital titles that are available worldwide. The company offers print-on-demand services, international distribution, and sales for anyone looking to read, write, publish and print, or sell more books. 

Associate producer Emma Kellaway spoke to Ingram Content Group Australia Senior Manager Debbie Lee to get the run-down on how SPN members can benefit from their services. 

IngramSpark and How it works

Joining IngramSpark, an author or publisher sets up an account online and uploads their book/s into the system. Once the book is uploaded, Ingram’s print-on-demand services allow you to print as few or as many books as you need. With the option to set price points for different territories and currencies, your book is made available to Ingram’s global network of over 40,000 retailers. 

Lee said Ingram has democratised the publishing market with its print-on-demand platform. “Having access to being able to publish, even if you are just an indie author with one book, means there are no barriers to entry,” she said. 

Providing access to all markets and all formats is what Ingram values most, whether it is for an indie author looking to self-publish, mainstream authors looking to regenerate out-of-print backlist titles once rights revert, or publishers looking for either local or international one-off or short-run print runs. 

A sensible and sustainable alternative

“One of the advantages of print-on-demand is that you are not printing thousands of copies and waiting for it to sell, you’re just printing what you want, where you need it, when you need it,” Lee said. 

There is also an environmental benefit. Instead of shipping books all over the world, Ingram will print them at the facility closest to the end customer, whether they are in Australia, the UK, US or Europe.

SPN member advantages 

Ingram offers members of the Small Press Network unique promo codes that give special discounts on their services.

You will find IngramSpark’s Debbie Lee at the IPC2021 Workshop Day, where she will be running a workshop  on ‘how to get your books into bookshops’. Tickets are on sale now at trybooking.com.

Apply to become an SPN member here and discover what Ingram Content Group has to offer by visiting their website

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