Small & Independent Publisher Directory

Library For All

Library For All supports global literacy by ensuring access to engaging and culturally relevant books and learning materials for those least served by formal education.

Planetary Press and Publishing

Founded by Global Award-Winning Author Leanne Murner, a passionate storyteller and a mum to 5 boys based in Newcastle NSW Australia. Leanne has bought together a team of experienced editors, Illustrators, and publishing professionals creating a dedicated community that understands the challenges and joys of the writing process. She believe that every writer has a […]

Letter Review

Letter Review believes in the power of literature, and the importance and magic of new writing. We are a proud member of the CLMP. Our mission as a Literary Journal is to publish new work, foster a supportive creative community, and help writers with all matters related to being published, performed, and produced. We mark […]

Dulwich Centre Publications

Dulwich Centre Publications is a small, independent, feminist-owned publishing house that was founded by Cheryl White in 1984. We produce resources about narrative therapy and community work, and have a particular focus on making narrative approaches accessible and relevant to a wide range of practitioners and contexts. Dulwich Centre Publications publishes books, DVDs, conversation cards, […]

Mediacom Education Inc

Mediacom Education is the Publishing and Resourcing Incorporated service the Uniting Church and mainstream Christian denominations in Australia.

ACER Press

ACER Press is the publishing arm of the Australian Council for Educational Research. We put quality and excellence – for all professionals in and around education – at the core of our products and services. With our focus on evidence and research in support of improved practice and outcomes, ACER Press provides the perfect platform […]

FISH Publishing

The Foundation for Indigenous Sustainable Health (FISH) was established in 2010 to address the severe housing crisis in Indigenous communities throughout Australia. Our work has since expanded to include education, health, justice, and cultural initiatives. Acknowledging Aborignal and Torres Strait Islander people have a living spiritual, cultural, familial, and social connection with the land, FISH […]

Voices of Today

Voices of Today was created as a spoken audio production service by Denis Daly in 2011. In March 2021 it was in corporated as an Australian company, Voices of Today Pty Ltd. The proprietors are Denis Daly and Sarah Bacaller who are both professional audiobook narrators and producers. Denis Daly has provided narration and editing […]

Amra Pajalic

I am looking to self publish my unpublished and out of print manuscripts, as well as short story collections that my husband wrote and which were published in literary journals worldwide.

Melliodora Publishing (Victoria)


Melliodora is a small specialist publisher dedicated to producing a limited range of books and other media by David Holmgren, co-originator of permaculture, and other authors. Our titles aim to support individuals in their personal permaculture journeys. We are guided by the permaculture ethics in each step of the book creation and distribution process, through […]

Living book press

Living Book Press release and republish books aimed at the homeschool living book market.

Peridis Publishing

Peridis Publishing (formerly PCS Publications) has been a provider of quality teaching and learning resources for schools, college, TAFEs, Registered Training Organisations, private training organisations and Australian Technical Colleges. The core activity is development of a range of selected texts, workbooks and teacher guides that are designed to assist students in vocational education and training […]

Amba Press

Amba Press is an independent Australian educational publisher, focused on producing contemporary resources for the home and classroom.

EJR Publishing (Queensland)


EJR Publishing draws on the linguistic expertise of EJR Language Service Pty Ltd to produce publications of English language translations from Russian. We have the linguistic and technical expertise to publish texts in English, Russian or Japanese and, with linguistic support, have also published a children’s book in Ukrainian and Chinese. Our publications include literary […]

Wild Orange Publishing Pty Limited

Founder Jennifer Scott Mitchell trained in the film and television industries as an editor and post production supervisor and so Wild Orange also incorporates a filmic storytelling approach in its work. Jennifer later developed skills and experiences in commercialising IP and content within the creative industries including leading cross border teams in other publishing ventures. […]

Interventions Incorporated (Victoria)

Interventions Inc was established in 2015 as an Australian based incorporated not-for-profit small publisher, aiming to publish books which support socialist ideas, labour history, struggles against all forms of oppression and for social justice.

Blue Vapours Publishing

Blue Vapours Pty Ltd Blue Vapours Creative Studios were founded in 2002 from a ramshackle back room in Abbotsford. Since then we’ve moved offices, expanded, contracted, expanded again, given up alcohol, taken alcohol up, burnt out two coffee machines and a grinder, killed three colour laser printers and had some ripper corporate events.

Melbourne University Publishing

Publishing books with spine since 1922, Melbourne University Publishing (MUP) is Australia’s first and top university press. MUP is the home of agenda-setting political, history and current affairs titles; landmark illustrated art and lifestyle books and the best in Australian academic research and writing. MUP is dedicated to sharing top Australian non-fiction writing with a […]


Since 1922, CEP (Christian Education Publications) has been resourcing churches, schools and individuals in Australia and around the world with professional, high quality and easily accessible publications. As a publisher we are passionate about strengthening and equipping children, youth and families and those who teach them, as well as nurturing faith and developing biblical literacy […]

Daisy Lane Publishing (New South Wales)

At Daisy Lane Publishing we pride ourselves on producing quality books that inform and inspire, educate and empower the reader. We love to highlight new authors and illustrators as well as  nurture those who are established. We currently publish, children’s books, romance, poetry, inspirational, and YA. Publishing your story can be daunting and we are […]

Pademelon Press Pty Ltd (New South Wales)

The mission of Pademelon Press is to publish and distribute quality Australian early childhood teacher resource and reference books to assist teachers and carers in their task of educating and caring for children. Pademelon Press was created in 1990 by Rodney and Carmel Kenner, who are two of the founders of The Book Garden, Australia’s […]

Quemar Press (New South Wales)

Quemar Press was founded in 2016 as a publishing house with a focus on publishing new work and also preserving works which are little known in a Modern Australian context. With this emphasis on new and classic work, often by women, Quemar Press has published new, experimental novels and new poetry collections by award-winning author, […]

Wild Dog Books (Victoria)

Wild Dog Books is a multi-award-winning Australian independent publisher. We publish beautiful picture books and brilliant non-fiction that children love to devour. At Wild Dog we know the power of a great story told well, and we are wild about using story to get young readers excited. The Wild Dog list is where you will find the best Australian […]

IndieMosh (New South Wales)

Indiemosh is a self publishing facilitator providing editing, proofreading and publishing services to Australian indie authors. We can help you self publish your masterpiece – we take your manuscript and turn it into a gorgeous paperback or ebook, available online to readers all over the world. We’re a family-run business in rural New South Wales […]

National Library of Australia Publishing (Australian Capital Territory)

As part of the National Library of Australia, NLA Publishing has been producing books since 1995. Collaborating with Australia’s leading writers, designers and illustrators, NLA Publishing produces over 20 publications a year, including an award-winning range of popular and children’s illustrated books and the quarterly online magazine Unbound—all based on the many subjects covered by […]

On The Stone (New South Wales)

On the Stone is the publishing arm of Marje Prior and Associates Pty Ltd established in the ACT, Australia, in 1989 as a social marketing agency specialising in government communication during the Hawke/Keating period. It delivered high profile national campaigns for the federal government and industry-based communication materials as part of the government’s micro economic […]

Magabala Books (Western Australia)

Magabala Books is Australia’s oldest independent Indigenous publishing house. Based in the pearling town of Broome in the far north of Western Australia, Magabala Books is one of the most remote publishing houses in the world.

Ventura Press


Ventura Press is one of Sydney’s leading independent book publishers. Synonymous with high-quality titles and internationally respected authors, Ventura publishes a broad range of engaging fiction and non-fiction books – each with the aim of enhancing the lives of readers.  Their mission is to provide boutique, innovative and exciting publishing to Australia and the world, and […]

Backroom Press (Western Australia)

Entertaining and educational books from Broome Backroom Press Inc. is one of Australia’s smallest publishing houses. It is located in Broome, a small Kimberley town in Western Australia, and was set up to publish entertaining and educational books from the region. Backroom Press was incorporated as a not-for-profit association in 2009. The object of the […]

University of Queensland Press (Queensland)

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