23rd November, 2022

Elaine Jing Zhao

Elaine Jing Zhao is Senior Lecturer and Co-Director of Media Futures Hub in the School of the Arts and Media at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. Elaine’s research focuses on cultural production, industry transformations and governance challenges in the platform economy. She is the author of Digital China’s Informal Circuits: Platforms, Labour and Governance (Routledge, 2019) and a co-author of China’s Digital Presence in the Asia-Pacific: Culture, Technology and Platforms (Anthem, 2020). Her previous research on the publishing industry in China has investigated how digital platforms have opened up publishing avenues with new business models, how they have cultivated a new generation of writers in internet literature, and how cultural production has evolved in the context of platformisation. Elaine is on the editorial board of Taylor & Francis journal Communication Research and Practice, and Anthem book series on Digital China.


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