10th June, 2022

Keynote Announcement: 2022 IPC Research Day

Dr Richard Jean So has been confirmed as the Research Day keynote speaker for the Small Press Network’s 2022 Independent Publishing Conference. Dr So, an associate professor in English and Cultural Analytics at McGill University, will be joining us from Canada. 

The conference will be held from 24–26 November, with Research Day taking place on Thursday, November 24. 

Dr So says of his research: ‘I work at the intersection of cultural analysis and data science. Substantively, I use data-driven methods to study culture, both historical and contemporary, from the novel to Netflix to social media and writing platforms like Reddit and AO3.’

His most recent book is Redlining Culture: A Data History of Racial Inequality and Postwar Fiction (Columbia UP 2020), which speaks to his particular interest in race, power and inequality. His previous publications include Transpacific Community: America, China, and the Rise and Fall of a Cultural Network (Columbia UP 2016), as well as numerous articles both academic and public-facing.

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