Storytorch Press


Storytorch Press publishes books that cultivate community and connection.

We publish books that promote resilience, sustainability and community engagement. Our books are a window to a better world and encourage others to be part of it.

We are passionate about seeing the next generation overcome long-ingrained barriers to building an enlightened global community. Things that excite us are permaculture, feminism, universal design and the UN’s sustainability goals.

We seek books that unite us.

We seek books that empower individuals to build a path for others to follow, as we collectively navigate a climate-challenged future.

These may be general trade non-fiction books on self-sufficient gardening, regenerative farming and carbon neutrality. These may be children’s picture books (both fiction and non-fiction), middle grade fiction, or young adult novels. Celebrating community and connection can be found in historical non-fiction (through history, we find ourselves connected), adult or young adult novels about finding purpose in the conflict, or a fiction children’s picture book that shows the strength hiding in diversity.


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