Express Media (Victoria)

NFP Youth Writing and Media


Express Media is a not for profit organisation founded in 1985 with the aim of supporting young Australians in writing and media. It is a Melbourne based, nationwide organisation, with members and subscribers from all states.  Its core values are support of artists across a range of genres, providing development opportunities for writers, building professional skills and talent, and creating an open environment where young writers share knowledge and support.   Express Media’s patron is acclaimed novelist John Marsden, who since 2005 has generously supported and funded Express Media’s creative projects. His prize, the John Marsden Prize for Young Australians, is launched by Express Media in May annually.  Express Media has four areas of focus: publications, awards, training, and resources. Our publications include the flagship publication Voiceworks literary magazine, the Buzzcuts arts reviewing website, The Under Age online newspaper and The Signal Express online arts and cultural magazine. The awards focus on a range of genres and ages, including the prestigious John Marsden Prize for Australian Writers. Our training and development opportunities run across the year with a variety of opportunities such as the National Editors Workshop and Skillshare. We also offer resources including databases of publications and grant information.

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