Member benefit: Discount Australia Post rates through ABA
Small Press Network members are eligible to join the ABA as an associate member to receive access to the ABA’s discounted Australia Post pricing.
The ABA rates reflect a discount of 25-40% off the standard Domestic Parcel rates, which is a significant saving. If you send an average of $20 per week in postage, this will cover the cost of the fees, including the ABA Membership fee.
The cost scheme is currently as follows:
- Associate supplier SPN membership 1st April 2020 – 31 March 2021: $400
- Australia Post Fees:
- One Off Joining Admin fee: $200
- Base rate/first year annual fee 1st April 2020 – 31 March 2021: $320
In addition, if your parcel postage comes to more than $41.00 per lodgement, Australia post will pick up from your business free of charge if you are within their serviceable boundary. You can also charge any purchases made at an Australia Post outlet to your account.
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