The Tiniest House of Time

by Sreedhevi Iyer
Wild Dingo Press

A unique book in the world of Australian small press publishing, The Tiniest House of Time takes readers beyond domestic borders and Western history.

Judges' Report

A unique book in the world of Australian small press publishing, The Tiniest House of Time takes readers beyond domestic borders and Western history. Moving between the Tamil genocide in colonial Burma to the 90’s political tensions of Malaysia’s Reformasi movement and present-day Kuala Lumpur, this book explores how we continue to see history repeat itself even in its most heartbreaking forms. Reflecting on the long-term consequences of these eras, readers can see how dangerous our lack of knowledge about certain periods of history can be. If we don’t know it happened, how can we make sure we don’t repeat it?

About the author

Dr Sreedhevi Iyer, an Indian-Malaysian-Australian author, is a graduate of the first cohort of City University Hong Kong’s unique MFA program in Asian Writing in English. Her fiction work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize in the United States, along with publications in literary journals in Australia, Malaysia, United States, and Sweden.

She is a fiction reader for Drunken Boat, the oldest online literary journal and has taught Creative Writing at City University Hong Kong, and currently teaches Creative Writing at RMIT University in Melbourne.

Sreedhevi Iyer, author of The Tiniest House of Time.

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