5th November, 2021

Professor Rebecca Giblin

Professor Rebecca Giblin is an ARC Future Fellow at Melbourne Law School, leading interdisciplinary teams to build evidence about how intellectual property arrangements and other regulations actually work in practice. Her main research areas are copyright, creators’ rights, access to knowledge and the regulation of culture (particularly how the law impacts the creation and dissemination of creative works). She is Director of the Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia (IPRIA) and leads the ARC-funded Author’s Interest (authorsinterest.org) and eLending projects (elendingproject.org), as well as Untapped: the Australian Literary Heritage Project (untapped.org.au). Her book CHOKEPOINT CAPITALISM (with Cory Doctorow, 2022) explores how we can recapture creative labour markets from Big Tech and Big Content to get artists paid. She tweets via @rgibli.


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