6th July, 2018

Indie Publishing Forums: Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney

SPN is very happy to announce the Indie Publishing Forums, a new initiative created in partnership with Ingram Spark, Books+Publishing and the Australian Society of Authors, supported by the Australian Booksellers Association, the Queensland Writers Centre, Writers Victoria and Writing NSW.

The inaugural forums will be held in the evenings, in Melbourne on 31 July (Wheeler Centre), Brisbane 1 August (State Library) and Sydney 9 August (The Sebel Chatswood).

The forums will all feature a keynote address by Robin Cutler, US director of IngramSpark, on the changing technological face of publishing and how that affects the processes of getting a book to market.

Then panels of book industry experts will offer a wealth of insider knowledge on the current state of the market in Australia; identifiers and metadata; timelines for marketing and publicity; how to deal with a distributor; author/publisher relations; and what booksellers are looking for. There will be plenty of time for Q&As.

  • Bookings are now open! Tickets are only $15 full and $10 for members of supporting organisations, students and the unwaged.
  • See Ingram Spark for links to the ticketing sites for the three upcoming events.
  • A donation of $2 from every ticket sold will go to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.


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