Clan Destine Press (Victoria)

Genre Fiction (romance, fantasy/sci-fi, crime)

Clan Destine Press is all about genre.

Genre fiction in its myriad and wondrous forms: crime, mystery, historical fiction, thrillers, adventure, speculative fiction, fantasy, science fiction, horror, urban fantasy, paranormal, steampunk, and ah-ha! – which is any combination of the aforementioned – for Adults and Young Adults.

We publish inventive, clever and original works of page-turning genre fiction; riveting cross-genre stories; and books that are heroic, questy, feral, dark, funny, spine-tingly, fast-paced, serious, silly and sensible.

Our authors are Australian and Clan Destine Press novels are straight, gay, queer, ancient, contemporary, gothic, retro, post-apocalyptic, earthbound and/or galactic.
We aim to publish new and exciting, plot-driven, boundary-pushing fiction with fully-fledged characters and a strong sense of place.

It is the prime objective of Clan Destine Press to uncover, foster and promote new Australian genre writers and to provide a home where already-published authors can move in and play in new worlds


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